
News Stories

PICTURE DAY ~ Tues Sept 17th

PICTURE DAY is coming up on TUES SEPT 17th, 2019.

All students must have their picture taken for their student ID cards. Flyers for picture orders have been distributed via homeroom classes & the Order Form and Payment must be brought in on that day.

Remember to bring your SMILE!

Gr 9 Welcome to High School Evening ~ THURS Sept 5th

We have a very important and informational evening coming up on Thursday September 5th, 2019 for our Gr. 9 parents and students.

This Welcome to High School Evening is an ideal way for our new families & students to come and experience the McGivney Magic and to learn more about their new environment.

Presentations by Administration, Guidance ... Continue reading "Gr 9 Welcome to High School Evening ~ THURS Sept 5th"

IMPORTANT ~ 2019-2020 FMM School Agenda is now available (digital version)

To create great accessibility for our school community, please refer the following digital version of the 2019-2020 FMM School Agenda Book.

This Agenda Book is a valuable tool for students and parents to keep track of important dates and events in the coming school year.

Welcome back to all of our students, old and new, and we look ... Continue reading "IMPORTANT ~ 2019-2020 FMM School Agenda is now available (digital version)"