
News Stories

Important COURSE SELECTION Information for this week (Feb 26 to March 2)

An important deadline for students is coming this week.  COURSE SELECTIONS for next year are due in PLUS the School Activity Fees (SAF).  Students were given the information letter with their Report Cards and should follow these steps.

  1.   Choose courses for next year on CAREER CRUISING.
  2.   Print out Course Selection and have parents
  3. ... Continue reading "Important COURSE SELECTION Information for this week (Feb 26 to March 2)"

Course Selections DUE THIS WEEK (Feb 26 to March 2)

An important deadline for students is coming this week.  COURSE SELECTIONS for next year are due in PLUS the School Activity Fees (SAF).  Students were given the information letter with their Report Cards and should follow these steps.

  1.   Choose courses for next year on CAREER CRUISING.
  2.   Print out Course Selection and have parents
  3. ... Continue reading "Course Selections DUE THIS WEEK (Feb 26 to March 2)"

FMM Sr Girls @ Volleyball Championships

The Senior Girls’ Volleyball Team has enjoyed tremendous success this season.  They have 2 tournament wins at Humberview SS and Uxbridge SS.  They have an undefeated season in YRAA play, 13-0, heading into Championship Night at Bill Crothers.  Lastly, for the second time in 2 years, they have clinched a birth representing YRAA at the Girl’s AAA OFSAA Championship ... Continue reading "FMM Sr Girls @ Volleyball Championships"

EQAO Testing

Our Gr. 9 Math students (Semester One only) wrote their 2-day EQAO tests this past week on Tuesday Jan 16th and Thursday Jan 18th.

The Grade 9 Assessment of Mathematics tests the math skills students are expected to have learned by the end of Grade 9. Different versions of the test are administered in the academic and the applied math courses. ... Continue reading "EQAO Testing"

Dear Supporters of Catholic Education (Board Notice)

In November, the Ontario Liberal Party launched their “Common Ground” website:

This website invites the public to put forward proposals that address particular provincial needs and priorities. One of the current suggestions is a proposal for the amalgamation of all Ontario schools under one non-denominational school board. It is important that we, as Catholic school ambassadors, strongly voice our  ... Continue reading "Dear Supporters of Catholic Education (Board Notice)"

College Panel Presentation ~ Wed Nov 22nd

On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 during Period 2 in the Cafeteria we will be having our College Panel Presentation. Representatives from 8 surrounding Colleges will be at FMM to speak to our Grade 12 students about Diploma and Degree Programs offered at our local colleges including the Michener Institute that offers Diploma and Degree Programs in the technical end of the Health field. ... Continue reading "College Panel Presentation ~ Wed Nov 22nd"