
News Stories

FMM’s ECO Week (April 16th to 20th) a huge success!

Eco Week 2018 was a great success! FMM’s Eco Club planned a variety of activities centred around the themes of taking action and protecting not only the environment around us, but around the world. We began the week with the Signing of David Suzuki’s “Declaration of Interdependence.” Students made the pledge to “work for an evolution from dominance to partnership, from ... Continue reading "FMM’s ECO Week (April 16th to 20th) a huge success!"

Mid-Term Report Card Distribution ~ Fri April 13th

Students will be dismissed from Period 4 early on Friday April 13th in order to pick up their Semester 2 Mid-Term Report Cards.  Parents are encouraged to view these marks and to make an appointment with their child’s teachers using the Parent Interview Online Booking System.  (Please note that the Online Booking System will be activated at 3PM on ... Continue reading "Mid-Term Report Card Distribution ~ Fri April 13th"

FMM celebrates Multicultural Week ~ Mon April 9th to Fri April 13th

This week, FMM celebrated our beautiful diversity in our Multicultural Week 2018.  The week was dedicated to honouring the varied cultures, ethnicities, and countries that make up our McGivney family.  Reflecting on the words of scripture that we are all made in the image of God, this week was about finding beauty in our differences while also upholding our belief in our ... Continue reading "FMM celebrates Multicultural Week ~ Mon April 9th to Fri April 13th"

Holy Week @ FMM

As we continue in this most sacred season of Lent, we now enter into Holy Week, the week leading up to the commemoration of the Passion & Death of Jesus.

During this week we focus our lives on prayer and our inner conversion in preparation for the coming of the Risen Lord on Easter morning.  We continue this preparation at ... Continue reading "Holy Week @ FMM"