2021/2022 YCDSB Academic Calendar … now available!
The YCDSB Academic Year Calendar for the 2021/2022 school year has been shared with school communities.
Please see the Calendar here for your reference.
The YCDSB Academic Year Calendar for the 2021/2022 school year has been shared with school communities.
Please see the Calendar here for your reference.
SUMMER UP is funded by the Ministry of Education and which provides special summer activities for Black youth across Ontario. It’s called SummerUp. A scan of the SummerUp website will give you confidence in the Lifelong Leadership Institute, a non-profit organization with a history of providing quality programming to Black youth.
SummerUp is an invitation to Black ... Continue reading "The SUMMER UP Program for Black Youth (July 2021)"
The Newcomer Orientation Week (NOW) is a five-day program in the last week of August for students in York Region, who have recently arrived in Canada. The Virtual Module will include:
Online Peer Leaders Training (Aug 23 to 25) and Online NOW program (Aug 26 to 27, 2021).
NOW was launched by the federal government ... Continue reading "NOW Program for Newcomers (Aug 2021)"
The York Secondary Catholic Presidents’ Council (YSCPC) is a Board-level team of student leaders that honours outstanding school leaders each year at the YSCPC Awards.
This year, FMM was so proud to celebrate our outstanding Award Recipients at the YSCPC Awards Celebration on Monday June 7th. This year’s recipients are:
The York Secondary Catholic Presidents’ Council (YSCPC) is a Board-level team of student leaders that honours outstanding school leaders each year at the YSCPC Awards.
This year, FMM was so proud to celebrate our outstanding Award Recipients at the YSCPC Awards Celebration on Monday June 7th. This year’s recipients are:
The Markham African Caribbean Canadian Association has been serving York Region community for over 33 years. They are a grassroots non-profit organization with a mandate to serve the community by providing programs and services to educate and empower youth and families. They have given over $320,000 in scholarships to hundreds of deserving York Region graduates.
MACCA is currently accepting ... Continue reading "MACCA Scholarship … now available!"